Five citizens are elected to serve on the neighborhood council of the emergency community to which they have been transferred. There they will put into practice the exercise of democracy, trying to be conciliatory and respectful, but the apparent rape of the daughter of one of them will unleash a witch hunt among the neighbors and suspicion will fall on the ever marginalized. This rush popular trial will put the value of democracy and justice in crisis.
cast & crew
PLAYWRIGHT Pablo Manzi · DIRECTOR Pablo Manzi · DESIGN Los Contadores Auditores · MUSIC Camilo Catepillan · CAST Andreina Olivari, Gabriel Cañas, Paulina Giglio, Gabriel Urzúa, Franco Toledo, Carlos Donoso · PRODUCER Iván Parra
> Temporada Teatro del Puente / Enero de 2015 (Santiago, Chile)
> Temporales Teatrales / Julio 2014 (Puerto Montt, Chile)
> Temporada Teatro del Puente / Enero 2014 (Santiago, Chile)
> Festival Cielos del Infinito / Enero 2014 (Punta Arenas, Chile)
> Temporada Teatro Sidarte / Noviembre 2013 (Santiago, Chile)
> Temporada Teatro del Puente / Septiembre 2013 (Santiago, Chile)
> Temporada Sala Sergio Aguirre / Septiembre 2012 (Santiago, Chile)