where the barbarians live
After many years of separation, three cousins decide to reunite in Chile during 2005. The host, Roberto, director of a successful NGO, gets involved in a strange homicide of a young woman, and this event unchains violence within the entire group. That night promised to be a quiet family event but it transformed into a terrible night where the situation will not improve even with the emergence of unexpected characters that will aggravate the conflict and the ideas that everybody has created about each other, about the enemy.
Cast & Crew
PLAYWRIGHT Pablo Manzi · DIRECTORS Andreina Olivari y Pablo Manzi · DESIGN Los Contadores Auditores · MUSIC Camilo Catepillán · CAST Gabriel Cañas, Paulina Giglio, Gabriel Urzúa, Guilherme Sepúlveda, Carlos Donoso · TECHNICAL MANAGER Raúl Donoso · PRODUCER Horacio Pérez
> PRÓXIMAMENTE FESTIVAL. KVS / November 2019 (Brussels, Belgium)
> Temporada Teatro La Memoria / July 2019 (Santiago, Chile)
> Centro cultural de San Antonio. / January 2019 (San Antonio, Chile)
> Festival Internacional de Teatro de Belo Horizonte / September 2018 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
> Muestra Estatal de Teatro de Jalisco / September 2018) (Guadalajara, México)
> Temporada Teatro Universidad Católica / July 2018 (Santiago, Chile)
> Festival Internacional de Teatro Temporada Alta / February 2018 (Lima, Perú.)
> Villa Santa María. Festival de Teatro Juan Radrigán / January 2018 (Quilicura, Chile)
> Sala de Teatro de la Universidad Mayor / January 2018 (Santiago, Chile)
> Teatro Municipal de Calama. Festival Internacional de Teatro Zicosur / January 2018 (Calama, Chile)
> Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta. Festival Internacional de Teatro Zicosur / January 2018 (Antofagasta, Chile)
> Sala Los Avellanos, Universidad de la Frontera / September 2017 (Temuco, Chile)
> Teatro Provincial de Curicó / June 2017 (Curicó, Chile)
> Temporada Sala Antonio Varas / May 2017 (Santiago, Chile)
> Festival Iberoamericano Adelante! / January 2017 (Heidelberg, Alemania)
> Festival Internacional Santiago a Mil / January 2017 (Santiago, Chile)
> Festival de Teatro del Bio Bio / Decembre 2016 (Concepción, Chile)
> 31 Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz / October 2016 (Cádiz, España)
> Festival Teatro Joven de las Condes / August 2016 (Santiago, Chile)
> Temporales Teatrales / July 2016 (Puerto Montt, Chile)
> Temporada Teatro del Puente / June 2016 (Santiago, Chile)
> Temporada Teatro del Puente / January 2016 (Santiago, Chile)
> Temporada Teatro del Puente / September 2015 (Santiago, Chile)
> Playwriting Award, granted by the Ilustre Municipalidad de Santiago (Santiago City Hall).
Santiago, Chile. 2016.
> Literary Award 2016. Category: Playwriting. National Secretary of Arts & Culture. Government of Chile.
Santiago, Chile. 2016.
> Award for “Best Play” 2016. VI Festival Teatro Joven de las Condes.
Santiago, Chile. 2016.
> Best Playwriting Award 2015. Circle of Chilean Arts Critics.
Santiago, Chile. 2015.